

Adult Neurology & Electrodiagnostic Medicine located in Houston and Sugar Land, TX

Parkinsons services offered in Houston and Sugar Land, TX

Parkinson's disease progresses slowly, causing increasing ailments and cognitive problems. If you or a loved one develops symptoms of Parkinson's, board-certified neurologist Jontel Pierce, MD, of Mind Neurology Clinic, can help. The neurology practice provides excellent care for patients from two offices in Sugar Land and Katy, Texas. They offer the latest treatments and expert rehabilitation services to help you lead a fulfilling life. To find out how you could benefit from Parkinson's care, call either office to schedule a consultation or book online today.

Parkinsons Q & A

What is Parkinson’s disease? 

Parkinson's disease, also referred to as Parkinson's, is a neurological condition originating in your brain. It develops when your brain's nerve cells (neurons) degenerate. The affected nerves produce a chemical called dopamine, which is a neurotransmitter that controls muscle movements.


As the disease progresses, nerve cells die, and dopamine levels fall, resulting in increased loss of muscle control.


Parkinson’s is a chronic condition that develops at different rates from patient to patient.

What is the difference between Parkinson’s and parkinsonism?

Parkinson's is caused mainly by the degeneration of nerve cells in the brain. In contrast, the causes of parkinsonism are numerous, ranging from the side effects of medications, chronic head traumas, metabolic diseases, toxins, and neurological diseases.

What symptoms does Parkinson’s cause? 

Parkinson’s can cause a wide variety of symptoms. Primary symptoms may include:


  • Tremors (uncontrollable shaking)
  • Rigidity and muscle stiffness
  • Bradykinesia (slow movement)
  • Postural instability or loss of balance


The tremors Parkinson's causes usually affect the hands and spread through the arms and legs. They tend to be more noticeable when you're still and improve when you start moving. Most patients find initial symptoms steadily worsen, and new ones appear as Parkinson's progresses.

What are the signs of Parkinson’s disease?

Some common signs of Parkinson’s disease include:


  • Taking shorter steps
  • Dragging your foot when walking
  • Developing a stooped posture
  • Having difficulty swallowing
  • Struggling with handwriting
  • Changes in your voice
  • Losing the ability to make certain facial expressions
  • Losing your sense of smell
  • Bouts of constipation
  • Problems sleeping
  • Delusions and hallucinations
  • Memory loss


Around 70% of Parkinson’s patients eventually develop dementia, suffering cognitive decline that affects their thinking, memory, and language skills. 


To diagnose Parkinson’s disease, your Mind Neurology Clinic provider discusses your symptoms with you and analyzes your medical history. They perform comprehensive physical and neurological exams and might take blood for testing or order diagnostic imaging procedures like an MRI.

How is Parkinson’s disease treated?

There is no cure for Parkinson’s at present, but several treatments can help lessen the effects of the condition. Your experienced provider at Mind Neurology Clinic focuses their Parkinson’s disease treatment on improving your symptoms and helping you manage as the condition progresses.


You may also benefit from medications for specific Parkinson's symptoms, like tremors.


To learn more about Parkinson's disease and to receive specialized care from the trusted experts at Mind Neurology Clinic, call either office. Or book a consultation online today.